Tuesday, 15 January 2008


The uk government has failed to follow the un recommendations made in 2002,on the rights of the child,10 out of 87, what a surprise,
Asylum seekers children are housed in adult dention centres becuase immagration do not regonise them as children.
The un is due to assess the uks implementation of the convention on childrens rights in autumn 2008.
With my battle with clwyd alyn,it appears children are not noticed,and indeed have to live in damp housing,despite reports done by university in th 80s regarding damp,mould, this appears to be overlooked.isee this as within the guidlines of the un convention on childrens rights,i have allready sent my pitition REGARDING this matter with the E/U
This country makes the law up as and when it pleases

Saturday, 12 January 2008

Friday, 11 January 2008


There has been a lot of talk regarding getting the work shy back in to work.
Speaking to his bussiess backers at the latest confedaration of british industry annual,Gordon brown told his audience that it was time to make training mandatory for all benifit claiments.
Peter hain secretary of state for work and pensions DWP. SAID THERE ARE TO MANY ON BENIFITS.
For some people wishing to get back to work this is a very good idea,but at the same time is a good money spinner for the companys involved.
Take working links [2000]who have had vast amounts of tax payers money to bully people into low wage jobs,somtimes offering cash in hand incentives to go to interviews.
A working links employe can get a hefty bonus if he is particulary persuassive one month.
Working links profits for 2006 was £4 million,2007 was down to less than a million quid due to recuritment of a new sales team ,but got 43 new contracts generating £6 million and the shareholders got a divended of £300.00 each.
For every incapacity benifit claiment who gets a job for at least 13 weeks working links recives £3.000
Bussines man brown is promising more schemes,share holders will be jumping for joy at thie idea, next year incapacity benefit will be replaced byEmployment and support allowance,,you will lose £11 for the first week if you do not compley to working links back to work plan.
Working links are all over the world,including chile..
Another one setting themselfs up in bussiness are careers development group,[CDG]at a conference in brigton and hove to bussiness folk,we will supply skilled personal at no cost to yourselfs, wow that is a bargain not to be missed.
REMBER THE BIBLE,Mattew chapter 25 verse 35 [ i was hungry and you gave me food.i was thirsty and you gave me a drink,i was a stranger and you made me welcome,naked and you clothed me,sick and you visted me,in prison you came and seen me. in case you are wondering.
WE will see working links phoning clamients at home and detached work for the monthley bonus.

Monday, 7 January 2008

Military hard ware

i nearly for got the company who are ranked number 10 in the world is in the uk.


With tensions so high with iran and america can we remind ourself that, we to have weapons of mass destruction.
650.000 dead 2 million iraqs internally displaced, refugess in their own country.
The Lancet done a study of the above and we no T.B saw it becuase nunber 10 tried to rubbish it, despite the MODS chief scientific adviser describing the lancets methods has robust and close to best practice and balanced,3.000 american service men dead 100 british dead so far.
Its oil being dived up like war booty.
With the pentagon and marshall plabn well in place , what next IRAN after all they do have weapons of mass destruction. G,Bush once said we can fight a war on 3 fronts.
Gun ho gun slingers.
Since M.Beckitt helped set free the 15 british service men,we should sent her to iran, if it was my life in her hands i would be worried let alone my gold fish.
But she might just set of world war 3.

Thursday, 3 January 2008

demo fourth option

on january 22 there is to be a demo regarding the fourth option parliament square London www.defendcouncilhousing.org.uk
The law stands we cant do this but gordon has allready done a draft copy of re-invigorating our democracy-a piece of doublespeak that would have orwell spinning so fast in his grave that he would prove a valuable source of renewable energey.
The 1986 public order act is the basic frame work to hassle people on the streets.

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

fourth option/

since there is very little information being given out it is up to a few like minded folk and MPS to protest at the stock transfer to RSL,wrexham council have been some what busy with there so called partners, i assume behind closed doors, where is the consultations, no one has even heard of RSL,OR WHAT IS GOING ON.
there was i be beliving in freedom of choice, how wrong can one be.
Can i remind the council we have to live in the housing.

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

fourth option

with very little information being given out regarding the housing stock transfer,wrexham council have been in consultaion with pennaff,wales west,etc while i agree with the stock staying with the council why is there no mention of the fourth option avavliable to council tenants.
