Friday, 9 November 2007

Bananas/Del Monte and co

since 1999 i have been reaserching the banana industry and its efforts to capatilse on the markets.You all be saying i have lost the plot read on, letter dated 28 August 2001 of Glenys Kinnock European parliament,it states page 2 it is however the case that the world trade organisation ,the us and some central american countries are raising objectionsn to the implementations of the E.U proposals.Del monte sacked 4,300 of its workers in 1999 and shot a few in costa rica and re employed them with less benifts and wages,man form dell monte said [GUARDIAN 06/11/07] IT COMPLES WITH ALL LOCAL LABOUR LAWS AND IS A STRONG PROPONET OF FREEDOM OF ASSOCATION,of what, Fresh dell monte is registered in the cayman islands and has more than 30 subsidries based on the islanfds Tax is set at ZERO,,allso have offices in gibraltar bermuda Antilles and british virgin islands,these are US companys where the tax is set at for corporate bussines at 35% but only pay as little as 8% outside the usa no money goes back in to the communitys they have just robbed only the workers wages, but wait for this one CHIGUITA have been fined $25 MILLION IN THE USA FOR ILLEGALLY FUNDING A COLUMBIAN ARMED TERROIST ORGANISATION, i have allways seen the illegall activties of the banana industry so why has it taken this long for our inforcment deapartments to do anything, dont columbians grow cocaine [Bush oliver ring anywhere] but wait for this one ,Dole, fresh dell monte are being investigated by the european commission after CHIGUITA grassed on them for alleged price fixing. SOMTHING NOT RIGHT WITH THAT ONE,so what does the WTO STAND FOR well my belive is, looking after U.S interests abroad.we all need to dress in our banana suits out side sainsburys and protest.

1 comment:

chris said...

Its funny what was once thought of as some sort of conspiracist theory is now becoming true. I have recently been getting taught about institutuilised racism and the cause and effect of discrimination of those in power. Makes you wonder if aliens are real and whether or not Elvis is still alive. It is no wonder that as society evolves we become ever more distrusting of those with the power to buy immunity.