Thursday, 13 December 2007

Defending Anonymity/I.D, Biometric data base

Labour have for a long time said that id cards are for the prevention of terrisom ID are only one part of european and american efforts to make it wide spread across the western world, Bush pushed this through the us senate as an enhanced driving license known aas real id ,[wait for this one] tacked on to a military spending bill that was unlikley to get voted down in the middle of a war. THanks to labour will have it 2010 and biometric is in place with the new style passports.
2008-9 personal information will be on the national data base, i got nothing to hide have you i see this against my citezenship and freedom.
ID cards will take away our ability to create our own social and economic sphere, Labour just love social planning and hate the grey market of free trade,they cant track and tax and instead one of the adverts was telling us that buying cheap DVDS WILL BUY GUNS FOR TERROISTS What about Bush Iran -contra affair but thats demand and supply, crack cocaine to the poor ares .a lot of fear mongering has come since 9/11
rfid RADIO FREQUENCY ID TAGGING Was done by gillete and the supermarkets recived bad press. T esco is to test the water in the latest fight with spychips in certain goods.
Section 1(4) of the id bill defines it as being in the interests of national security for the purpose of prevention or detection of crime. for the purposes of the inforcment of immigration controls and for unauthorised working id schemes have been defeated in australia canada korea taiwan,
id is a class issue the rich will ensure thier anonymity by their limited need for the dole, children of celebrities and politicians will be exempted from the children index and the state and private sectors who will run the id data bases.
How can we trust rhe inland revenue and the child support agency when they cant even loof after a few discs, imagine what would happen if crimanals and terroists had this data, i dont trust id cards how can this stop someone from blowing up a bus or underground i am a free spirit just like the native indians who refused to give there land up and way of life, they was simpley shoot and done away with, may you wear the cross in the belive you are fighting for freesdom. agagin the offences of not obeyiny the id cards are so oppressive it is behind belive.

1 comment:

chris said...

I wouldn't worry, they will probably lose all the details or they will get nicked